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Thursday, August 9, 2007

CapaInstaller® ezMSI - Repackaging to MSI

CapaInstaller® ezMSI enables you to generate Windows® Installer (MSI) packages for any application, regardless of the installer technology used by the original manufacturer. A wizard guides you “step by step” through the entire packaging process without any use of scripting.

CapaInstaller ezMSI - Benefits
• Create MSI Packages in Minutes - no expert skills needed
• Standardize your application deployment
• Built-in package customization tools
• Supports advanced MSI features
• Creates advertisement shortcuts for “On-Demand Installation”
• Install on Demand
• Uninstall and Repair
• Licensed pr. Administrator

CapaInstaller ezMSI scans your computer for files, registry entries, shortcuts, etc. and store this information. Now, simply install the program you want to repack. If desired you can even configure it at once making the application ready for use when installed. When you’re done, the ezMSI once again scans your computer. The difference (installed files, added registry entries, etc.) is now added to one Windows Installer (MSI) package.

CapaInstaller ezMSI - Procedure
• Create a pre-install SnapShot
• Install the software you wish to make a package from
• Create a post-install SnapShot
• Press “Create .MSI package” from SnapShots
• Deploy the .MSI package just created

Install on Demand
Using Windows Installer files created by ezMSI, you can choose to advertise your product to your users. Advertising means that instead of installing the entire application on all computers, shortcuts for the application is the only thing installed. When the user clicks on one of the shortcuts for the application, the entire application will then be installed.

Easy to Use
ezMSI is very easy to use. No expert skills are needed to create a fully usable Windows Installer package.

The snapshot is stored in a file structure, making it easy to add or remove files, edit registry information, etc before creating the Windows Installer package.

Run from Network
Once installed, you can refer to ezMSI residing on a server or another computer. You do not need to install anything on the computer running ezMSI.

No Hidden Custom Actions
Other repackaging tools install their own support tools. ezMSI uses the core Windows Installer technology for everything.

About the Windows Installer Standard
The Microsoft® Windows Installer (MSI) standard was introduced with the launch of Microsoft Windows 2000 providing a new standard for developing setup programs.
An installation database keeps track of installed files, registry settings, ini files, etc.
The technology ensures a high level of the installation, allowing a complete un-installation, automatic repair, easy patching, etc.
The ezMSI follows the standards handed by Microsoft to ensure your application will be installed on the most efficient and secure way.

Download CapaInstaller® ezMSI - Repackaging to MSI now

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