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Thursday, June 28, 2007

ActiSetup 2005 Free Download

Top 5 Feature

1. Project Wizard
The ActiSetup Project Wizard makes it really easy to create an installation rapidly. Within less than 10 minutes, you can create a basic installation for your product using the ActiSetup Project Wizard.
2. Full-Featured Forms Designer
ActiSetup allows you to customize your installation's user interface to your heart's *******. The ActiSetup Forms Designer mimics the Visual Studio .NET Forms Designer, allowing you to add and remove forms, and edit the controls on those forms. Since ActiSetup even allows custom controls, there is essentially no limit to how much you can customize your installation's UI.
3. Single-file distribution
What's the easiest way to distribute a program over the web? Package the installation into a single EXE file! ActiSetup can package an entire MSI installation into a single EXE file, so all you need to do is publish that file to the web.
4. File Dependency Scanner
After you add files to your project, ActiSetup allows you to scan the files for additional dependencies. ActiSetup can identify all DLL dependencies as well as merge-module dependencies. For example, if one of your files requires GDI+, ActiSetup will suggest the GDI+ Merge Module as a dependency.
5. MSI Table Editor
With ActiSetup, you can directly edit the MSI database with ease. If you need to customize your installation by creating your own tables, ActiSetup allows you to create those tables and enter the data that are necessary. Additionally, you can edit the existing MSI tables to take advantage of all of the features provided by the Windows Installer engine.

If you like this product, you can download here.

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